Whenever guests with health problems come with a handbike, they think about how they can comfortably stand at the table. Most of the time they sit “one floor” lower. Years ago we thought of simply placing empty containers under the three wheels and the guest would sit at the same height as their friends. At the beginning the guests are always a bit skeptical, but then the joy is even greater.
The spring ist coming.
Dear guests, dear friends, today our restaurant is reserved from 11:30 a.m. to around 2:30 p.m.! Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to your afternoon visit.
Dear guests, today, Saturday March 30th, 2024, our restaurant will be closed to the public from 2:30 p.m. due to a celebration.
We thank you for your understanding and look forward to your reservation. Tel: +420384 386 505 or email: hotel@perslak.com
We wish you a wonderful day from the Forest Hotel Peršlák.
Dear guests, dear friends, today our restaurant is reserved from 12:00 to around 2:30 p.m.! Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to your afternoon visit.
Waiter: Would you like another 1.5 liter bottle of our beer from the Neubistritz brewery to take home?
Guest: No. I brought my own 5 liter container. Please fill up.
Dear guests, we also treat ourselves to a little break every now and then in winter.
In the following days we will have slightly different opening times for our hotel and restaurant.
Sunday 07.01.24: closed
Monday 08.01.24 - Friday 12.01.24: Restaurant open from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m
Saturday 01/13/24 and Sunday 01/14/24: closed
Thank you for your understanding.
Silvestr 2023
New Year's Eve 2023. We would like to thank all of our guests for the time spent together. The JH Swing Band for the great musical accompaniment and of course all the employees and temporary staff who keep the bike running with us. It was a wonderful evening and we are looking forward to 2024.
Today our restaurant is open for you from 11:30 a.m. Thank you very much.
I knew why we weren't completely clearing away the guest garden after the summer season this year. We wish you a nice sunny day from the Waldhotel Peršlák.
We wish all friends and visitors of the Peršlák Forest Hotel a Merry Christmas. But especially little Julia from Neubistritz. We dedicated our first Christmas punch stand to her. On the weekend of December 8th. - December 10th, 2023, despite adverse weather conditions, our guests came from Neubistritz, Jindřichův Hradec, Litschau, Heidenreichstein and other places and supported our collection. Through the intervention of Ms. Oktábcová from the municipality of Neubistritz and the Donio internet portal, we were able to send Julia and her family a total of 23,266 crowns on behalf of the Peršlák Forest Hotel.
We would like to thank all of our guests for visiting today. We cook every day from 11:30 a.m. On Sunday, December 31st, 2023, we will be open to the public until 3:00 p.m. as we then prepare all halls for New Year's Eve with live music. Thank you for your understanding.
Forest Hotel Peršlák
Nový Vojířov 90, CZ 378 33 Nová Bystřice
tel.: 00420 384 386 505, fax: 00420 384 386 509
e-mail: hotel@perslak.com
hp: www.perslak.com