Gift vouchers

Gift vouchers of Forest Hotel Peršlák

If you want to give the gift voucher of Forest Hotel Peršlák to your beloved ones, friends or business partners, please contact us. We will gladly issue you a gift voucher for an amount and services according to you wish. You will receive the voucher by e-mail or post. If you wish to have an individual text for the recipient on the voucher, please add it to your order. The gift voucher can be ordered via our contact form. Should you have any questions, please contact us by telephone at: +420 384 386 505 or by email:
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Latest news:

10.02.25 Masquerade ball

Do you already have tickets for the carnival ball, organised by the women of Neubistritz, on 15.03.2025 from 20:00? You...

10.02.25 - 14.02.25 Weekly menu

Our weekly menu from Monday, 10.02.25 - to Friday, 14.02.25. Dear guests, this weekend we organised our first Czech...

07.02.2025 Czech language course

Our Czech language course for our German-speaking guests is in full swing! We are already planning two weekend courses...

03.02.25 - 07.02.25 Weekly menu

Our weekly menu from Monday, 03.02.25 - to Friday, 07.02.25. Dear guests, we have again prepared delicacies for you for...

Where to find us?

Forest Hotel Peršlák
Nový Vojířov 90, CZ 378 33 Nová Bystřice
tel.: 00420 384 386 505, fax: 00420 384 386 509