
Art photos by Petr Hil

Dear guests, dear friends. It is a pleasure for us to show you the Forest Hotel Peršlák, the hotel pond, the hotel park and its surroundings through the eyes of the photographer Mr. Petr Hil. Thank you for the beautiful photos.

Festive steam ride

Dear guests, dear friends. On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the Jindřichův Hradec - Nová Bystřice line, a festive steam ride takes place on Saturday 09.09.2017.

Beautiful evening

Dear guests, dear friends, wishing you a beautiful evening from the Forest Hotel Peršlák.

Beautiful evening

Dear guests, dear friends, wishing you a beautiful evening from the Forest Hotel Peršlák.

Beautiful evening

Dear guests, dear friends, wishing you a beautiful evening from the Forest Hotel Peršlák.

Beautiful evening

Dear guests, dear friends, wishing you a beautiful evening from the Forest Hotel Peršlák.

Beautiful evening

Dear guests, dear friends, wishing you a beautiful evening from the Forest Hotel Peršlák.

Brigáda - obsluha restaurace

Chcete si o prázdninách přivydělat a naučit se něco nového? Nabízíme Vám možnost stát se součástí profesionálního týmu (kde je nám spokojenost našich hostů nade vše), procvičit si cizí jazyky a pracovat v krásném prostředí. Přijmeme brigádníky starší 18 let na obsluhu restaurace. Možnost zdarma přespání mezi směnami. 100 Kč čistého/hod.

Beautiful evening

Dear guests, dear friends, wishing you a beautiful evening from the Forest Hotel Peršlák.

Tip for a trip

Dear guests, dear friends, 8 km from the Forest Hotel Perslak there is a picturesque castle called Nová Bystřice. An ideal distance for a bike trip during your next visit in our hotel.

Iron curtain

Dear guests, dear friends, during the neverending cleaning works in our forests at the Czech-Austrian boarder we have found in the last years a few silent witnesses from the years 1945-1989. Part of those relicts we used for re- establishment of the iron curtain. You can visit this memorial to the divided Europe at our hotel lake.

Great weather for swimming

Today there is again great weather for swimming. Wishing you a beautiful day from the Forest Hotel Peršlák.

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Where to find us?

Forest Hotel Peršlák
Nový Vojířov 90, CZ 378 33 Nová Bystřice
tel.: 00420 384 386 505, fax: 00420 384 386 509