What a beautiful day!
Such great weather today in the garden restaurant of the Forest Hotel Peršlák! How many days like that can we still enjoy this year? We are looking forward to your visit.
Planning a wedding?
In case you are considering having a wedding at our hotel lake, here a little inspiration for you...
Wedding reception
Sirloin in cream sauce will be served at the wedding reception tomorrow.
Sat. 24.09. closed because of a wedding
Dear guests, dear friends, our restaurant will be on Sat. 24.09.2016 from 13:00 closed - because of a wedding. We are looking forward to your visit again from Sun. 25.09.2016. Thank you for understanding.
Lunch time
A short glance to our kitchen during lunch time.
No bad weather
Bad weather for a paddle boat ride? At the Forest Hotel Peršlák lake for sure not. Wishing you a beautiful Saturday and looking forward to your visit of our hotel and restaurant.
Tschechischkurs im Waldhotel Peršlák
Tschechischkurs im Waldhotel Peršlák. Termin: Sonntag 23.10.2016 – Mittwoch 26.10.2016. Der Kurs ist sehr praxisbezogen und auf die alltägliche Kommunikation ausgerichtet. Spielerisch lernen Sie über tschechische Lehnwörter im Deutschen und Internationalismen leicht zu kommunizieren. Neben einem Ausflug und spannenden Gruppenarbeiten erwarten Sie Erholung und Entspannung im gemütlichem Waldhotel Peršlák. Der Kursbeitrag beträgt 100 Euro. Für weitere Informationen betreffend des Kurses wenden Sie sich bitte an Kursleiter Jan Schánělec. Tel: +420 608 172 531 Mail: jan.schanelec@seznam.cz Falls Sie bei uns im Hotel übernachten möchten, reservieren Sie bitte über unsere Hotelhomepage: www.perslak.com . Anmeldeschluß ist der 07.10.2016.
Dear guests, dear friends, autumn is slowly coming to the country and we are getting ready for it. Our hotel and restaurant will be opened till the end of October before we start the winter break.
Indian summer
What a beautiful indian summer at our hotel lake! Wishing you a wonderful evening from Forest Hotel Peršlák.
Grilled piglet
Today something really delicious will be served in Forest Hotel Peršlák. :)
Today we are preparing a wedding reception in our garden restaurant. We are looking forward to our guests very much. All is ready.
Our bridge
Dear guests, dear friends. A few years ago I built a bridge near the northernmost point of Austria, which connects Haugschlag / Rottal with our Forest Hotel Peršlák. This bridge was meant as a relief for guests who want to visit our hotel or restaurant from the Austrian side. Where would once jump 5 to 10 people over the creek per week there nowadays, in the main season, up to hundreds of people cross the border. And because our bridge needed a little facelift already, we fixed it this week. Warm greetings from the forest, Marcus Hauser.
Forest Hotel Peršlák
Nový Vojířov 90, CZ 378 33 Nová Bystřice
tel.: 00420 384 386 505, fax: 00420 384 386 509
e-mail: hotel@perslak.com
hp: www.perslak.com